Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Uncle Sam has a way with words!

A girl I once worked with was also in the Army for few years. She just received this letter from the government, and it cracks me up:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Showers (and a future vacation or two)

Umbrella via; Jacket and boots via

I'm suuuuch a grown-up, yall. I decided that it's time to finally buy rain boots and a rain jacket I'll actually wear. I feel like I deserve an award.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really a colorful person (although, I do get in the black and white rut sometimes,'s just so easy for the 8 - 5, you know), but if there's something I've learned from wearing so much color, it's that neutral accessories are my friends. You should know that I do consider olive green and dark purple neutrals, as well as hot pink. They work with so much! I still swoon over super colorful boots, though.

Here's a medley of other boots (beauts' too) from

One day I WILL have a yellow pair one day, although I'd really take any of these colors.

I'm normally opposed to wedge rainboots, but...these Hunters are hot.
And, a grown up pair to end it. I'd seriously wear these as real boots, even if it's not raining. They all classy and shi..tuff. ;)

Ah, that was fun. So, yeah, this shopping spree was brought on because 1) we got our first spring showers yesterday and 2) I'll be taking a trip to DC soon, and to England and Scotland later in the year, so I figured it might come in handy. Remember my dream couch? Well, it got sidelined for that overseas trip...which is during the time of the London Olympics. Make my checking account go owie.

Also, as I decided a few winters ago, I'm too damn old to be uncomfortable. I turn my heat or air up when I feel like it. I might as well invest in a rain jacket and rain boots I'll actually wear (I bought the bubble umbrella a few years ago, and it's been awesome). Here were the qualifications: For a jacket, it needed:
  • a hood (sometimes the umbrella doesn't cut it)
  • classic style that didn't make me look like a blob
  • not black
  • long enough just in case I sit down somewhere (I'm not very smart sometimes... and I've been to a few outdoor concerts in my day).
The boots were easier to figure out; I wanted something I wouldn't be embarrassed to wear to work oooor a hh.

I think I did okay, no? Also, what is it about crazy colorful rain boots that make us drool? Is it because we think that's one time we can get away with wearing pink paisley in public? Reliving our youth? Just want a pick me up from a gloomy day/time of year?